Blunham Pubs : The White Horse

By Bill Exley

The Old White Horse from Park Lane c1946
New White Horse from The Hill - 10/12/61

. Today the new White Horse Public House - 1960's to 1980's - stands on high ground its entrance and frontage on The Hill looking over fields beyond, locally known as 'The Brick Fields' , It was built on the corner site of Park Lane and The Hill for Greene King, Brewers of Biggleswade opening on 4/1/61 with Alec Taylor behind the bar. The White Horse being built in the garden of the Old White Horse pub , then on completion, the old Pub ( from c1800's ) was demolished. Later to become a car park for patrons, then later a house 1a-Park Lane was built on the plot- Years ago locals called this quiet walk down to the River Ivel, the 'Back Lane' - c1903 and 1950's

o *O * O * o


John Ravens c1767
Benj & Eliz Palmer - Cottage and first Site - from records seen - Prior 1785
Mary Eyre - Now buys The Cottage and orchard 25/7/ 1785
Records show, as Mary Ayre, Ayres, Eyre or Eyres, all were used
Isaac Pendred - Old White Horse - on the orchard site
22/8/ 1805
John Elwood - the first Licence granted in - 1832/ 1877
Thom. Strickland of Potton, now managers 3/9/1836
Arthur Nash of Royston 1/8/1863
George Goodship 1872 - 1879
James Holme of Potton - owner ? 1876
William Corman 1879 - 1882
James Russell. 1882 - 1891

Stephen Russell with Newland & Nash, Brewers

1891 - 1908
Now a Blunham population of 603 persons - served by the 8 Pubs in -
Caleb Prout 1908 -1924
Beers now supplied by Wells & Winch, Brewers of Bedford
Wm. Hawkins - then later goes to The Salutation in The High Street 1924 - 1934
Chas. Wm. James Albone 1934 - 1944

Herbert, John & Emily Harding and dog , - 9th Aug 1944 - to Dec 1960

Rear of The Old White Horse from Park Lane - c1946


- Wells & Winch merge with Greene Kimg Brewers during -
The new White Horse Pub is opened by a Brewery Rep / temp , a Mr Odell on > 04/1/61
Alec Taylor - moves up from The Salutation to take over - 11/01/61
Donald and June Stephenson 20/09/61
John Dennis 09/12/64
Tom and Zina Thomlinson. 16/5/66
Hugh and Mary Baird 17/7/68
Thom. and Josie Davies 11/3/70
Doug and Amy Powell 18/9/74
Nigel and Carol Gudgion 03/7/80
Roy and Susan Walsh 25/7/84

A copy of 200 years of 'History' - handed to Roy & Susan / 1st. Anniversary

To the Day, Month and Year - 1785 to 1985 . ! !


The Wt. H. now closes so Roy & Susan move down to The Salutation public House


It now reverts to a private dwelling so now, - 22, The Hill

Page last revised this day by Bill Exley - 1st Mar - 2024

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