GENUKI Home page    Wootton Parish Wootton

Places within the parish of Wootton in the year 1868.

[Transcribed and edited information from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland - 1868]

"BOTT END, a hamlet in the parish of Wootton, county of Bedfordshire, ¼ mile north east of Wooton."

"BOURNE END, a hamlet in the parish of Wootton, county of Bedfordshire, 1 mile north west of Wooton."

"CAUSEWAY END, a hamlet in the parish of Wootton, county of Bedfordshire, ¼ mile north of Wooton."

"CHURCH END, a hamlet in the parish of Wootton, county of Bedfordshire, ¼ mile west of Wooton."

"HALL END, a hamlet in the parish of Wootton, county of Bedfordshire, 1 mile north west of Wooton."

"KEELEY GREEN, a hamlet in the parish of Wootton, county of Bedfordshire, ¾ mile north of Wooton."

"KEELEY LANE, a hamlet in the parish of Wootton, county of Bedfordshire, ¾ mile north north west of Wooton."

"STEWARTBY, a village in the parish of Wootton, county of Bedfordshire, 3 miles south east of Wooton."

"TAGS END, a hamlet in the parish of Wootton, county of Bedfordshire, ¼ mile north east of Wooton."

"WOOTTON BROADMEAD, a hamlet in the parish of Wootton, county of Bedfordshire, 3 miles south east of Wooton."

[Transcribed from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland 1868]
by Colin Hinson ©2013

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