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Huggate parish:


Huggate, History transcription:

The Jury document for the Manor of Huggate in St. Mary's Church, Huggate.

Manor of Huggate Octob. 19th 1826

Names of the Jury

Thomas Richardson Foreman

John Buttle John King
James Atkinson Jervais Hodgson
John Hotham John Turner
George Clarkson William Appleton
Francis Cook Quarton Appleton
Charles Stubbings Thomas Horsley

Thomas Crofs  Affearer
Thomas Holtby Affearer
Joseph Smith  Pinder


1. The Jury aforesaid do lay on pain all persons suffering their Cattle to go and feed in the Public Lanes between Sun-set and Sun-rise a sum not exceeding S.2.6d per head, for the first offence, and S.5. Per head for every offence afterwards.

2. That every Parish Officer do deliver in his accounts within twenty one days after he goes out of office on pain of forfeiting the sum of £.1.19.11. for every default.

3. That every Person suffering his Swine to go into the Streets, unrung, betwixt Mayday and Michaelmass do forfeit for every offence, three pence per head.

4. That any Person suffering Geese to go into the Streets betwixt Old Mayday and Old Lammas, do forfeit the sum of One Shilling for every offence.

5. That any Person harbouring Vagrants, or Inmates not having Certificates of their Legal Settlements, or letting their Cottages to Tenants of any description not having a Legal Settlement in the Parish of Huggate, shall for every offence forfeit the sum of £.1.19.11.

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson

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