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Geographical and Historical information from the year 1750.

"LECONFIELD, a parish in the E.R. of Yorkshire, (given as "Lekenfield"), on the N. side of Beverley, was a Lp. of Peter de Brus, who gave it to Henry Piercy, in marriage with his sister Isabel, on condition that he, and his heirs, should repair on every Christmas-day to Shelton- Castle, and hand the lady of the castle from her chamber to mass in the chapel, and thence to her chamber again, and after dinner with her, to depart. One of the Piercy s obtained a charter for a Mt. here on Tu. and a Fair for a week, commencing Sept. 14; but the Mt. has been long disused, if not the Fair."

[Transcribed by Mel Lockie © from
Stephen Whatley's England's Gazetteer, 1750]

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