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Patrington parish:


Patrington, Benefactions transcription:

The Benefaction plaques in St. Patrick's Church.

The Church of Saint Patrick, Patrington


1595John Thorgey, left 5/- yearly for ever, charged on his
house and Garth at Patrington. Surrended to Thomas
Tock, to be paid to the Churchwardens and by them,
distributed amongst the poor, on the 2nd day of November.
1650Mr Coniston Wrightinton, of Hull, Marster Mariner, left £40
for use of the poor of this Parish, which sum was laid out in
Buildings and C. for use of the poor in 1658.
1658Captain Robert Hildyard, left £10 half the interest to
repair the bell frames and the other half to the poor,
on the 2nd day of October, for ever.
1685Mr Alderman Duncalf, of Hull, gave £5 the interest
thereof to be given to the poor every New Years Day.
1685Mrs Hall, gave £5, the interst to be given to the poor every Good Friday.
1703Mrs Francis Maister, of Penzance, born Patrington, left £10
the interest to be given to the poor, every Christmas Day.
1723Mrs Ann Watson, left 26/- to be parid out on an Estate at
Stoneferry, to be given in Bread at the Church every Sunday
to such poor persons as attend Divine Service.
1763Mr Thomas Taylor, of Patrington, left £21 the interest to be
20/- and given to the poor, in Bread at the Church.
1772The Reverend Nicholas Nichols, Clerk, left 52/- a year, charged
upon his Estates at Patrington, to be given to the poor in
Bread, at the Church every Lords Day.
1777Mrs Ann Thorpe, of Patrington, left £20 in interest ofr use of the poor.
1783Mr Robert Robinson, of Patrington, left £26, interest thereof to
be ginven in Bread to the poor at Church every Sunday.
N.B. this money was laid out in Buildings houses and C. for the poor in 1827.
1805Mrs Susanah Featherstone, left £100, as is mentioned on her
monument. But payment was refused by the executor and was
never received.

The Second Benefaction plaque (see also Photo)

The Church of Saint Patrick, Patrington


1843Miss Phebe Linsdall, built 4 Hospital Cottages in Welwick
Road, Patrington, with an Endowment of £1500, for use of
Elderly Church Women and appointed Incumbents of
Patrington-Winestead and Sunk Island Trustees.
1936The Reverend P.R. Frost, M.A. Rector 1928-1948 gave the Rerodos
in 1933, £500, for the Heating system and in 1948 £120
to complete the Memorial Bells, and in 1951 £4747 Transport
3% Stock, the interest to be used for Church Restoration, and
£1000 to the Patrons, Clare College, to be invested, the interest
to augment the Stipend.
1941Sarah Ann Cheetham, left £100, in memory of her husband,
Lay Reader and Chorister of this church, interest to be used
for Choir Expenses.
1941Mr M.W. Theakstone, left £506 3% Savings Bonds, the
interest to be used for Music for Organ and Choir.
1947Mr A.E. Elton, left his Estate £467 to the Restoration Fund.
1949Sarah A. Kirman & Ada Kirman, sisters left £100 to the Restoration Fund.
1955Reverend J.A.E. Jones, B.A. Rector 1949-1955 left his Estate of £1300
invested 1957 in £1650 4% consolidated Stock to Patrington Restoration Fund.
1959The Reverend P.R. Frost, M.A. Rector 1928-1948 left £150 to be
invested, the interest to be used to give the Ringers £2 to Ring
for the Sovereigns Accession and £2 to Ring for tghe Sovereigns
Birthday - Sundays excepted and the Balance to upkeep the Bells.
1964Mr D.A. Fewster, bequeathed £100, to be invested for the Church
restoration Fund.

Data transcribed by
Colin Hinson.
from photography by Colin Hinson

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