GENUKI Home page    Great Crakehall Great Crakehall

Bedale parish:


Great Crakehall, History transcription:

The list of those who generously donated to the refurbishment of St. Cuthbert's Church, Great Crakehall in 1993-4.

The Parish Church of

Saint Gregory


Mrs. E. Backhouse  Mr. & Mrs. R. Maynard
Mr. & Mrs. C. Bartram Mr. & Mrs. R. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. F. Bramham Mr. & Mrs. C. Monkhouse
Mrs. D. Bristow Mr. & Mrs. B. Odner
Mr. & Mrs. D. Burke Mrs. S. Peacock
Mr. & Mrs. P. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. G. Pocklington
Mrs. M. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. B. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. R. Crinall Mr. & Mrs. R. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. F. Dent Drs. A. and M.S. Rounding
Mrs. M. Dent Mr. & Mrs. J. Shield
Mr. & Mrs. E. Field Colonel & Mrs. J. Speight
Mr. & Mrs. W. Forrest Mr. & Mrs. G. Staniland
Mrs. V. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. H. Stembridge
Mr. & Mrs. P. Godlee Mr. & Mrs. C. Swan
Mr. & Mrs. P. Hodgson Mr. & Mrs. A. Teasdale
Mr. & Mrs. P. Hudson Mr. P. Townsend
Mr. & Mrs. C. Ivory Mr. & Mrs. J. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. G. Johns Mr. R. Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. K. Kilding Mrs. C. Wilson
Mrs. M. Kitching Mr. & Mrs. J. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. D. Lumley Mrs. B. Witherspoon

Parishioners and friends who generously
donated to the 1993-94 refurbishment.

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson

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