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New Cottages.

A pleasing little ceremony took place at Sand Hutton, on 25th May, when the Foundation Stone of the new block of four cottages now being built was laid by Lady Walker who was accompanied by Major Sir Robert Walker, Mrs. Edward Low, Mr. G. M. Hamilton, The Rev. C. Hall, and Mr. S. C. Foster. The children attended from Sand Hutton School under the direction of Mr. H. Milne and Miss M. Bell.

Sir Robert opened the proceedings by a few words to the children, dwelling on the necessity at the present time for the building of more houses, and saying they would realise later what an important question this was for our country. He then congratulated the workmen on the splendid way in which they had progressed with the work, stating that it was a fine thing to see men getting on with a job in such a manner. If only all would do the same it would be better for England.

Lady Walker then performed the ceremony with a trowel presented by the Contractor, Mr. Albert Temple, of York. Afterwards she declared the stone well and truly laid, and added her best wishes for the future happiness of those who would occupy the cottages.

The Rev. C. Hall, Vicar of Sand Hutton, said that a1though this was not a religious ceremony he was very pleased to be present. He remarked that in Australia the cry was "Let me have a motor car and never mind a house," but in this country he found the reverse was decidedly the case.

transcribed from the Sand Hutton & Claxton Chronicle (circa 1925)
transcribed by Andy Kerridge ©2002.

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