GENUKI Home page    Brompton by Sawdon Parish Brompton by Sawdon


BROMPTON BY SAWDON, a parish in the wapentake and liberty of Pickering Lythe; (the seat of Sir George Cayley, Bart.) 8 miles SW. of Scarborough.

Brompton has one of the most beautiful, elegant, and capacious village churches in Yorkshire (see Churches for photograph); it is dedicated to All Saints; the living is a vicarage, and the patron Sir G. Cayley, Bart. Pop. 516.

Brompton is said to have once been a residence of the Northumbrian Kings. The foundations of an ancient building are still visible on an eminence, called Castle Hill, now surrounded by venerable pines, planted by the late Sir George Cayley, Bart. The family of the Cayleys, formerly from Norfolk, but who have resided here, upwards of two centuries, is very ancient. William Cayley received the honour of knighthood, March 2, 1641; and for his services to King Charles I. and II. was created a baronet, April 20, 1661. The present Sir George is the sixth baronet.

It would seem as if the Rev. J. Cayley, the present incumbent, was intituled, to some share in the right of presentation, being possessed of a third part of the Glebe-land, charged with the payment of a third part of the repairs of the Church, an annual payment to his Grace the Archbishop of York, and a part of the annual stipend to the Vicar.

Of this place the celebrated Monkish historian, John of Brompton was a native. He was a Cistercian Monk and Abbot of Jerveaux-Abbey in Richmondshire. The "Chronicon that goes under his name begins at the year 558, when Augustin, the monk came into England, and is carried on to the death of Richard the II. anno domini 1198." But Seldon says, "that this chronicle does not belong to the person whose name it goes under, and, that John of Brompton, the Abbot, did only procure it for his monastery of Jerveaux. " This historian has borrowed pretty freely from Roger Hoveden. His chronicle is printed in the "Decem. Script. Hist. Ang."

[Description(s) edited mainly from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson. ©2010]

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