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Danby parish:


Danby, Benefactions transcription:

The Benefactions to the poor (3) in St. Hilda's Church, Danby.


1630 THOMAS HERRIES of KINGSTON upon HULL, ALDERMAN, bequeathed an annuity of THREE POUNDS SIX SHILLINGS and EIGHT PENCE, chargeable on a messuage called the KINGS HEAD, in the HIGH STREET in HULL, to be paid yearly for ever, at MIDSUMMER and CHRISTMAS, by equal portions to the CHURCH WARDENS of DANBY.

1721 ROGER BELL, of DANBY, YEOMAN, left the sum of TEN SHILLINGS, payable at CHRISTMAS yearly for ever by the heirs and assigns of JOHN GARBUTT, out of part of a field called STUBBLEWHAITE, in the Lordship of DANBY, then occupied by ROBERT PETCH, (now in 1831, by WILLIAM HARTAS) to be distributed to the needfullest poor people of DANBY.

1720 THOMAS FAIRWEATHER left to the poor on DANBY, the sum of FIVE SHILLINGS yearly for ever, out of a Farm at CASTLETON now, (1832) in the occupation of GEORGE READMAN.

1716 JOSEPH DUNN, buried in KILDALE CHURCH-YARD, left by his will the sum of TWENTY SHILLINGS payable out of a Farm called FOUL-GREEN in DANBY, to be paid on his Grave-Stone every year for ever, on the first day of May and on the eleventh of November, by equal portions to the use of the poor of DANBY.

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson

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