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Danby parish:


Danby, Benefactions transcription:

The Benefactions to the poor (4) in St. Hilda's Church, Danby.


1807 THE sum of £88.0.6 was raised by subscription in DANBY, and placed in the hands of ELEVEN TRUSTEES for educating the poor CHILDREN. The scholars are chosen on the Thursday before May Day and the Thursday before Martinmas Day.

1721 THOMAS THOMPSON left for the poor of DANBY the sum of EIGHT SHILLINGS yearly for EVER, payable on the first day of MAY, out of land in DANBY, called LEVERACK INTACKS.

Mrs. SIDDALL gave to two hospital houses in DANBY the sum of TWENTY SHILLINGS yearly for ever, payable out of a field at AINTHORPE called CROFTS, now (1832) in the occupation of Rev'd JOSEPH DUCK, FIVE SHILLINGS yearly for ever payable on the 20th of DECEMBER to the MINISTER of DANBY, for Reading prayers on that day, out of a farm called FIELD HOUSE now, (1832) in the occupation of WILLIAM UNTHANK.

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson

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