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Ebberston parish:


Ebberston, Memorial Plaque transcription:

The World War I and II Memorial Plaques in St. Mary's Church, Ebberston.

The World War I Memorial Plaque transcription:

In This Sign Conquer

W.R. Craggs  A. Peckit
E. Harland A. Stanley
C.H. Huxley T. Mennel
A.E. Horsley A. Vasey
C. Martindale J.J. Skilbeck
H. Stephenson G.R. Tate
  G.J. Stanley

Whose Lives Were Given For
In the Great War A.D. 1914, 1918


The World War II Memorial Plaque transcription:

In Memory Of
William Orrah

Thomas Henry Snowden

who died for their country
in the World War 1939-1945.

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson

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