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Gilling East parish:


Gilling East, Memorial Plaque transcription:

The Fairfax family Memorial Plaque in Holy Cross Church, Gilling East.

LORD Thou hast been our Refuge from one generation to another.
† In or near this Church lie waiting the Resurrection.

 OB.   OB.
Sir Nicholas Fairfax Kn't1570 William 8th Lord Fairfax1738
Elisabeth and Annas Fairfax1570 Elizabeth 1725 
Nicholas Fairfax his son1582 a daughter 1728 
William Fairfax1595 Mary 1736 
Thomas Fairfax1600 Charles 1736 
Abigail filia Nicolai Fairfax,  Hon'ble Charles 1740 
innupta flore aetatis diu languese1698 Hon'ble Nicholas 1740 
Abigail wife of Charles  Hon'ble Elizabeth 1753 
5th Lord Fairfax of Emley  Hon'ble Anne 1793 
daughter of Sir John Yate,  Children of Charles 9th Lord 
of Buckland, Co. Berks.1710 Fairfax, buried here1772
Charles 5th Lord Fairfax1711 and Mary, his wife, Sister 
Charles 6th Lord Fairfax1715 of Charles 6th Lord Fairfax 
   buried here1741

Their last descendant LAVINIA BARNES, of Gilling Castle, only
surviving Child of Charles Gregory Fairfax placed this Memorial
A.D. 1875, by which She also desires affectionately to commemorate
others of her family buried here who have no Memorial in this Church.
Viz. her brother Henry o.b:1797, her sister Mary Anne Fairfax o.b:1809,
her Grandfather Nathaniel Pigott, o.b:1804, and her aunt
Elizabeth Goodricke o.b.1839.

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson

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