GENUKI Home page    Oswaldkirk Parish Oswaldkirk

In 1822, the following places were in
the Parish of Oswaldkirk:

"AMPLEFORTH OUTHOUSES, a few houses between Ampleforth and Oswaldkirk, two, (one of which is the Roman catholic college) in the township of Ampleforth and parish of Oswaldkirk, and the rest in the township and parish of Ampleforth, wapentake of Rydale; 1¾ miles W. of Oswaldkirk, 3½ miles from Helmsley.

Here is a college for Roman Catholics, established in 1802, by the members of the Catholic College of Dieulouard, near Pont a Mousson, in Lorraine, their property there being confiscated by the fatal Revolution in France. In March 24, 1808, the Rev. Robert Nixon, B.D. F.A.S. presented a drawing of an Urn to the Antiquarian Society, found in a barrow here, formed by a circle of large stones, about 10 feet in diameter; the Urn was at the depth of between 3 and 4 feet near the centre of the barrow. -Archeol."

"GRANGE, in the parish of Oswaldkirk and wapentake of Rydale; ½ mile NNE. of Oswaldkirk, 2½ miles S. of Helmsley."

"NEWTON GRANGE, in the parish of Oswaldkirk wapentake of Rydale; ½ mile NNW. of Oswaldkirk, 3 miles SSE. of Helmsley."

"OSWALDKIRK QUARTER, in the township of Ampleforth, and parish of Oswaldkirk, wapentake of Rydale; consists of 9 farm and cottage-houses, and lands intermixed through the township and parish of Ampleforth."

"WEST NEWTON GRANGE, a hamlet in the township and parish of Oswaldkirk, wapentake of Rydale; ½ mile NNE. of Oswaldkirk, 3 miles from Helmsley.

Here was born, July 24, 1585, that indefatigable collector, and eminent antiquary, Roger Dodsworth, son of Matthew Dodsworth, registrar of York Cathedral, and chancellor to archbishop Matthews. He states himself to have been born in the house of Ralph Sandwith, esq. father of Eleanor, wife of M. Dodsworth, esq. his father. He died in August, 1654; and was buried at Rufford, Lancashire. Anthony Wood says, "he was a man of wonderful industry, but less judgement; always collecting, but never published any thing." And Mr Gough adds, "one cannot approach the borders of this county, without paying respect to the memory of the indefatigable collector of its antiquities, Roger Dodsworth, who undertook and executed a work, which, to the antiquaries of the present day, would have been the stone of Tydides." One hundred and twenty volumes of his own writing, besides original MSS. which he had obtained from several hands, making all together 162 vols. folio, now lodged in the Bodleian library, are lasting memorials what this county owes to him, as the volumes of the Monasticon, (Which, though published under his and Dugdale's names conjointly, were both collected and written totally by him) will immortalize that extensive industry which has laid the whole kingdom under obligation. The patronage of general Fairfax preserved this treasure, and bequeathed it to the library where it is now lodged. Fairfax allowed Dodsworth a yearly salary to preserve the inscriptions in churches. -Gen. Biog. Dict. -Drake."

[Description(s) edited mainly from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson. ©2010]

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