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Pickering Board of Guardians - Minute Books


This index includes all those, paupers, staff of the workhouse, tradesmen and Guardians mentioned in the following sources:

Names, such as Geo or Geo/e, have been rationalised to George, Wm to William, and so on. Where there is no forename in the minutes the entries have been given at the beginning of the relevant surname. Surnames such as Sleightholm and Sleightholme have simply been interfiled.

As much detail as possible has been given for the individual paupers, there is no further information. For some of the tradesmen there is further information. For example, on the prices quoted for supplying shoes, or the tender for carrying out masonry work on the new workhouse, or, if you are descended from Messrs Joseph or Edward Windle, you might want to know what exactly they sold to the Workhouse. Such specific information can be supplied on request.

Transcribed by Carol Bartlett ©2002.
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please email the transcriber.

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