GENUKI Home page    Stanwick Saint John Parish Stanwick Saint John

In 1822, the following places were in
the Parish of Stanwick Saint John:

"ALDBROUGH ST JOHN, in the parish of Stanwick Saint John, wapentake of Gilling West, and liberty of Richmondshire; 1 mile E. of Stanwick St. John, 7 miles N. of Richmond. Here is a handsome free school, erected at the expense of S. M. Barrett, Esq. M. P. for Richmond, and now conducted on the Lancasterian system, and supported by voluntary contributions. Population, 544.

This village is situated about half a mile from the Ermine-Street now Leeming-Lane. "It has been," says Cade "a large Roman city, but by what name distinguished has never been ascertained." The vestiges still remaining very plainly indicate its great antiquity. -He again adds, "Aldburgh may date its decline from the new military way or road, being directed ad Tisam vinovium, and the vallum; on which account we hear of no altars, inscriptions, or other memorials of any kind found there, to assist us in our inquiries." -Archaeol."

"CALDWELL, in the parish of Stanwick Saint John, wapentake of Gilling West; 2 miles NW. of Stanwick St. John, 9 miles N. of Richmond. Anciently a place of considerable extent, but now a mere farming village. Pop. 188.

This has been a very considerable place and of great antiquity, near the Ermine-street leading to Gretabridge and Lavatrae, between which stations another road branched off in a direct line, and crossed the Tees at Thorngate, a street so called in Barnardcastle. -Archeol. "There appere," says Leland, "ruines of buildinges at Cawdewelle village;" again, "Cawdewell is so caullid from a little font or spring, by the ruines of the olde place, and so rennith into a bake halfe a quarter of a mile of.""

"EAST LAYTON, in the parish of Stanwick Saint John, wapentake of Gilling West, & liberty of Richmondshire; (the seat of Thomas Barker, Esq.), 1¾ miles SW. of Stanwick St. John, 6½ miles N. of Richmond. Is a pleasant agricultural village situated on an eminence, and commanding an extensive and beautiful prospect. Pop. 137,"

"FOXBERRY, a farm house in the township of Caldwell, and parish of Stanwick Saint John; 2¼ miles WNW. of Stanwick Saint John, 7 miles from Richmond."

"GRAYSTONE, a farm house in the township of Caldwell, and parish of Stanwick Saint John, wapentake of Gilling West, and liberty of Richmondshire; 10 miles from Richmond."

"HIGH CLOSE HOUSE, a farm house in the township and parish of Stanwick Saint John; 2½ miles NNW. of Stanwick Saint John, 6 miles from Richmond, 7 from Darlington, (Dur.)"

"LANE END, in the parish of Stanwick Saint John, wapentake of Gilling West, and liberty of Richmondshire; 5 miles W. of Darlington."

"LUCY CROSS, (or Lousey Cross), a public house in the parish of Stanwick Saint John; 7 miles from Richmond and Darlington, (Dur.)"

"MOOR ROW, a farm house in the parish of Stanwick Saint John, wapentake of Gilling West and liberty of Richmondshire ; 3¼ miles NW. of Stanwick Saint John, 10 miles N. of Richmond."

"STAPLETON, in the parishes of Stanwick Saint John and Croft on Tees, and waps. of Gilling East and West; 2¼ miles NW. of Croft on Tees, 11 miles NE. of Richmond. Pop. 113."

[Description(s) edited mainly from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson. ©2010]

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