GENUKI Home page    Aldborough Aldborough

Aldborough parish:


Aldborough, Benefactions transcription:

The further list of benefactions in St. Andrew's Church, Aldborough.

7. ROBERT SCRUTON, of Aldborough gave the annual Interest of ten Pounds for ever, to be distributed on Good Friday to the Poor of Aldborough only.

8. ROGER ARTON, of Minskip gave ye annual Interest of ten Pounds for ever, to be distributed on Christmas Day, to the Poor of Minskip only.

9. WILLIAM HUTTON, of Minskip gave the annual Interest of twenty Pound's forever to be distributed on St. Thomas Day, to the Poor of Minskip only.

10. WILLIAM CATTON, of Rockcliff gave the sum of five Shillings Per Annum for ever, to be distributed on Good Friday to the Poor of Rockcliff only.

11. THOMAS DOVE, of Aldborough gave the sum of ten Shillings Per Annum for ever, to be distributed on St. Thomas Day to ye Poor of Aldborough only.

12. PETER SIMPSON, of Aldborough in Lieu of Michael Simpson's Donation of ten Pound hath in his last Will charged two half Acres of Land in the long Ings with the payment of 20s a Year for ever to the poor of the Township of Aldborough, to be Distributed on every Good Friday.

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson

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