GENUKI Home page    Birstall Parish Birstall


LIVERSEDGE, in the parish of Birstall, Morley-division of Agbrigg and Morley, liberty of Pontefract; 11 miles W. of Leeds, 7½ miles from Halifax, 8½ from Wakefield. Pop. 4,259.

Here is a church, which has lately been built by the Rev. Hammond Roberson, A.M. called Christ's Church, who endowed it with five acres of land; the patronage of which, by Act of Parliament, is vested in himself and his heirs for ever.

The Neviles, for many descents, had a Manor, Park, and principal Mansion here. Of the last, there are considerable remains, which prove it to have been an Hall House, with a centre, and two wings, about the time of Henry VII. --Whitaker's Loidis and Elmete. It is now only a farm House.

In this township, the chief stand was made against Luddism, by Mr. William Cartwright, April 11, 1812, who gallantly and successfully defended his Mill at Rawfolds, by small garrison, consisting only of himself, four of his workmen, and five soldiers, against a whole host of Luddites. On the 28th of the same month, Mr. Horsfall was shot by a party of these misguided men; and before January following, sixty persons were apprehended and committed to the county gaol, to take their trial on various charges connected with the disturbances created by General Ludd, and his associates: seventeen of them were executed; six transported; and the rest were either liberated on bail or acquitted.
[Description(s) edited from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson © 2013]

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