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Cowthorpe parish:


Cowthorpe, Benefactions transcription:

The benefaction in St. Michael's Church, Cowthorpe.

The Reverend Thomas Jessop, Doctor in Divinity, gave to this Parish of Cowthorpe the sum of One Hundred Pounds sterling. The Interest arising from which is to be annually distributed by the Trustees thereof for the time being, for the relief of such poor persons as inhabit and reside in the said Parish of Cowthorpe.

The distribution as to manner and proportioning is left to the discretion of the Trustees. The Principal viz. £100, sterling has been invested in the Three per Cent Consols. in the names of

The Rev'd Thos. Dayrell, M.A.
Edward York Esquire
Mr. Richard Skillbeck, and
Mr. Matthew Thomlinson,
the present Trustees.

Dated May 9th A.D. 1846.

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson

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