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Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.

The place: FISHLAKE.     Church dedication: ST. CUTHBERT.     Church type: Vicarage in charge.

Area, 6,170 acres. Strafforth and Tickhill wapentake, S.D. -Population, 1 ,334 *1; Church-room, 650; Net value, £171. -The town and manor of Fishlake belonged to the Earls Warren, and so did the Church till William, Earl Warren, gave it to the Priory of Lewes, in Sussex. In 1372, it was given up by the Priory to the Crown, together with other Churches, as a compensation for the grant to Lewes of all the privileges of an English Priory. King Edward III. gave it to Durham College, in Oxford, to which it was appropriated, and a Vicarage ordained therein 8th August 1387.

The Dean and Chapter of Durham are the present patrons and impropriators.

The Church is valued in Pope Nicholas's taxation at £40. In the King's books the Vicarage is valued at £13. 3s. 8d. Synodals 2s. Procurations 8s. In the Parliamentary Survey, vol. xviii. page 467, it is stated, " Vicarage £13. 6s. 8d. per annum. The impropriate Rectory is worth £180 per annum."

Augmented in 1814, with £1,000 from the Parliamentary grant, by lot ; and in 1824, with £300 and £300 from the same grant, to meet benefaction of £200, and £200 from the Dean and Chapter of Durham.

Inclosure Acts were passed 51st Geo. III., and 1st and 2nd Geo. IV.

" The tithes of corn and other grain in the ancient inclosures in the parish, must be set out in the sheaf and not in the stack; but the owners of meadow ground, within the ancient inclosures in the parish, pay a modus of 4d. an acre in lieu of tithe hay. Simpson v. Hill" -1 Wood, pages 255 and 258. Vide Hatfield.

There were two Chantries in this Church. The magnificent porch is a remnant of the original Church built by the Warrens, and nearly resembles the porch of St. Margaret's Church in York.

For the arms, inscriptions, engraving of the doorway, font, and effigies, and catalogues of the Rectors and Vicars, see Hunter's South Yorkshire.

6th November 1766, faculty to erect a gallery.

The glebe house was certified in 1818 to be unfit for residence, " being a thatched cottage," and is still unfit.

The Register Books commence in 1561.

The School. Founded in 1641, by Richard Rands, Rector of Hartfield, in the county of Sussex, for teaching all such children of the parish as should repair to the school, without requiring any pay or salary for such teaching. The master to be a graduate of Oxford or Cambridge, and not to be troubled with any scholars, but such as were Latin scholars, or had entered into the Accidence. At the time of the Report, the school was maintained as an English school only, and forty free scholars were instructed in reading, writing, and accounts. The income arises from the rent of 73a. 2r. 3p. of land, let at the time of the Report for £102. 13s. per annum.

Rev. Richard Rands's charity, by will, dated 30th June 1640. Rent-charge of £5 per annum to the poor.

Poor's estate. 10a. 1r. 27p. Rent distributed among the poor.

Doles. -Donors unknown. Rents-charge of 20s., 10s., and 3s. 4d. per annum.

Allyn's charity, founded by Thomas Allyn the elder, by deed, dated 5th September 1685, and augmented by the will of Thomas Allyn the younger, dated 7th August 1733, for charitable purposes, very specially set forth in the deed, and which cannot be specifically carried into effect without great difficulty and inconvenience; but in substance, say the Commissioners, the charity is duly and properly administered, an allowance being given to a great number of poor people in weekly sums, and coats and gowns being given annually to about sixty poor men and women. The number of poor persons supplied with money and clothing is determined by the trustees, according to the sufficiency of the income for such purpose; and care is taken that what they receive is additional to, and independent of, any relief obtained by them from the parochial rates or other sources. 10s. 6d. per annum is paid to the minister and each of the trustees. The former is required to preach a sermon, inciting to charity, on the first Sunday in December in every 7 year. One object of the trust was the apprenticing into London of an orphan boy of the town of Fishlake, every sixth year; but for several years previous to the Report, there had been no application made for that purpose. The income arises from the rent of 30a. 2r. of land, let, at the time of the Report, for £59 per annum, and there was a balance in hand of £38. 15s. 4d. -Vide 17th Report, page 790.

Post town: Thorne.

Torre's MS., page 953. Abp. Sharp's MS., vol. i. page 225. Bodleian MS., No. 5,101. Nonae Roll, page 219. Wilkin's Concilia, vol. ii. page 617. Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. i. page 191.

*1 Viz. Fishlake, 717; and Sykehouse, 617.

Other information:
DONSTHORPE. - (Parish of Fishlake.)-In the Valor Ecclesiasticus, a Chantry in the Chapel of Donsthorpe is mentioned as valued at £4 per annum.

Donsthorpe appears to be identical with Sykehouse.

From the original book published by
George Lawton in 1842..
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