GENUKI Home page    Halifax Parish Halifax


ELLAND, or Ealand, in the parish of Halifax, Morley-division of Agbrigg and Morley, liberty of Pontefract; 3 miles from Halifax, 5 from Huddersfield, 15 from Leeds. Pop. including Greetland, 5,088, which being united, form a township. The Church is a perpetual curacy, dedicated to St. Mary, value, p.r. £130. 13s. Patron, the Vicar of Halifax.

A Charter of 10th Edward II. (now lost) was granted at the request of John de Warren, Earl of Warren and Surrey, to John de Elland, for a free market on Tuesday at his Manor of Elland, and two fairs. The market, has for generations been discontinued, but in Watsons time "a small market place and cross were remaining, and tolls taken by the lords steward, when any thing was offered for sale in the streets." Elland now only ranks as second in the parish to Halifax. On the north side of the Calder is the remains of Elland Hall, for many generations, the seat of a knightly family of that name, and is memorable on account of the tragical scenes that took place between that family and the Beaumonts, in the reign of Edward III. The result of this quarrel was the total extinction of the name of Elland: full particulars of which, with an ancient ballad written on the occasion, is to be seen in Watson's History of Halifax.
[Description(s) edited from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson © 2013]

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