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Geographical and Historical information from the year 1750.

"RIPLEY, a parish in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 4 m. from Knarelborough, 151 cm. 183 mm. from London, has a bridge over the Nyd, and is noted for its plentiful production of liquorice; but more for being the birth-place of Sir Geo. Ripley, the famous chymist and canon of Burlington, who, after travelling to Italy and 20 years study, is said to have found out the philosopher's stone, anno 1470, and to have given the Kts of Rhodes 100,000 l. a year, to support their wars with the Turks; and, it is pretended, there is a record of it in the Isle of Malta. The Mt. is on F. Here is the seat of Sir John Ingleby, Bt. whose family has long flourshed here with great reputation. Here is a ch. sc."

[Transcribed by Mel Lockie © from
Stephen Whatley's England's Gazetteer, 1750]

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