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Sheffield-Howard Street Congregational Church History up to 1868.



On the introduction of Rev. John Harmer to Nether Chapel (1780) some of the congregation withdrew, and among others Mr. E. Bennett, by whom Coalpit Lane* was erected. He became the pastor, with an assistant, neither of whom received any emolument from the congregation. The sums contributed were laid up for the erection of a chapel, and Mr. B. added £250. The chapel at Howard Street was built in 1790, and the congregation removed to it from Coalpit Lane. Mr. Bennett died Nov. 29, 1788.

The following have been the ministers -

* Coal-pit-lane has been successively a place of temporary refuge for many congregations till their more permanent chapels hat e been erected.

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2014
from the Appendix to
Congregationalism in Yorkshire
by James C. Miall, 1868.

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