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Geographical and Historical information from the year 1835.

"THORNE, a market-town and parish in the southern division of the wapentake of STRAFFORTH-and-TICKHILL, West riding of the county of YORK, 29 miles S.E. from York, and 165 N.W. from London, containing 3463 inhabitants. This place, in Leland's time only a small village with a castle near it, the foundations of which are still visible, has become a neat and flourishing town: it is situated on the verge of the moors, near Marshland, a fenny district supposed to have been once a forest, from the numerous fossil trees, &c., which have been discovered here; the streets are paved, and many of the houses well built. On the moor large quantities of peat are obtained, and conveyed, by means of a canal, to the town and other places, to be used as a substitute for coal. The inhabitants carry on a considerable trade in grain and other commodities with London; rope is made to some extent. At Hangman's hill, about a mile distant, is the quay, where all merchandise is shipped and landed. Vessels for the coasting trade are built here, and, being launched at spring tides, are conveyed down the river Don to Hull, to be rigged and otherwise completed. A canal from this river to the Trent passes westward of the town, by which its trade is greatly promoted. The market, originally granted by Richard Cromwell, and renewed by Charles II., is on Wednesday -, and fairs, chiefly for horses, cattle, and pedlary, are held on the Monday and Tuesday next after June llth and October llth. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the archdeaconry and diocese of York, endowed with £ 1200 parliamentary grant, and in the patronage of Lord Deerhurst. The church, which is dedicated to St. Nicholas, is principally in the later style of English architecture, with a square tower surmounted by pinnacles. There are places of worship for the Society of Friends, Independents, Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists, Unitarians, and the followers of Joanna Southcote. The free school was endowed with land by William Brook, in 1705, for the perpetual maintenance of a schoolmaster, and the instruction of ten of the poorest boys within the town: the annxial income is £ 148. 19. 9- Another free school was founded and endowed with land, in 1706, by Henry Travis, the income of which is about £35. The Rev. Abraham de la Pryme, F.R.S., a celebrated antiquary and historian, was some time minister of Thome, and died in 1704, at the early age of thirty-four. At Crowtrees, near this town, resided Sir Cornelius Vermuyden, who, having expended £400,000 in draining Hatfield Chase, and an additional sum in litigation, died in indigent circumstances."

[Transcribed by Mel Lockie © from
Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of England 1835]

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