GENUKI Home page    Kelbrook Kelbrook

Thornton in Craven parish:


Kelbrook, Memorial Plaque transcription:

The World War I and II Memorial Plaques in St. Paul's URC Church, Harrogate.

1914 † 1918


Bertie J Adams  Robert Lawson
Arthur Bailey William H Moore
* * Gordon Bishop Arthur Matthews
Alfred Banks Harry Ormerod
Lewis Cardwell Edgar Parker
William Cowgill Walter Parker
John W Driver Hubert Pickering
John Edmondson Caesar T Rainford
Edward Forrest Emmanuel Rogan
Howland Fishwick Peter Russell
Harry Gillibrand John Smith
Harry Gamble Frank Stott
Fred Gardiner James Treverton
Walter Holmes James Wormwell
Charles Jefferies Willie Walton
Joseph Johnson Sam Wormwell

"Greater Love Hath
No Man Than This That
A Man Lay Down His Life
For His Friends."

1939 - 1945

Teddy Benson  James Penman
Harold Higson James Pickles
Ronald Ibbetson Hartley Walton
Arthur Newhouse Donald Whittaker

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson

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