King Henry VIII reigned from 1509 to 1547, so the 15th year
of his reign would be 1523. This means that any dates given will be in the
old style (i.e. the first day of the year was March 25th).
Much use is
made in the original text of the "tilde" symbol (~) to indicate abreviations.
The tilde is used above the relevant characters, but as most modern fonts do
not contain the required characters (e.g. c tilde), in this transcription,
the tilde is placed after the character it was originally on top of.
In order to make the files a sensible size, the text surrounding the original
parish information is produced on this page, with the 4 wards of the city
of York, and the Ainsty parishes each having their own files as indicated
by the links below.
The text you see on these pages is all that there was
in the book - I have no more information on either the people or the original
The data is given here in good faith, but is not
guaranteed to be without errors, so if you spot any errors, please drop me a line
via the link at the bottom of the page.
This is the sedule Indentyd made the ixth. day of Aprill in the xvth
yere of the reign of oure soverain lorde king Henry the viijth by the
grace of God king of England and of France Defensor of the Faith and
lorde of Irlond John Norman Maior of the said City of York John Dogeson
John Halle William Wright Thomas Parker Symon Vycars Thomas Burton William
Barker Peter Jakson Robert Wyld John Rasyng Thomas Mason aldermen of the
same Jamys Bladys & Rychard Huchonson shyreffs of the forsaid City and
Commissioners of oure said soverain lorde the king w'in the forsaid City
of York suburbes of the same and also w'in the Wapentyke of the Ainsty the
whiche is annexyd to the said City. Wherein is conteigned both the names
and surnames of all persons dwelling w'in the said City Suburbes & the
Wapentyke afforsaid chargeable to the Acte of Parliament grauntyd to his
grace in the xvth yere of his said reign with the valuac~on bothe of their
goodes and landes & also the sommes whereunto they be assessed & due to his
grace by reason of the forsaid Acte, and the names of all subcollectors and
also the sommes wherew't they be particularly charged w'all.
This endenture made the 9th day of Aprill in the 15th yere of the reign of
oure sovereign Lorde King Henry the 8th by the grace of god King of Ingland
and of Fraunce Defender of the Faith and Lorde of Irland betwixt the right
worshipfull John Norman major of the City of York Sr William Gascoigne Knight
Recorder of the same John Dogeson Thomas Drawswerde John Halle William Wright
Thomas Parkour Simon Vicars Thomas Burton William Barker Peter Jason Robert
Wylde John Rasyng Thomas Mason Aldermen of the seid City James Blades and Richard
Hutchonson Sheriffs of the forseid City and Commissioners for oure seid sovereign
Lorde the King named and assigned by his commissyon Datyd at Hampton Courte the
30th day of August in the 15th yere of his reign within the seid City of York
suburbes of the same and the Wapentyke of the Aynsty for the execuc~on of the Act
of Subsidie graunted to oure seid sovereign Lorde in his last parliament of this
present yere of that oone partie And John Mason Inholder John Umfreyson tapytour
John Richardson paynter John Rayncok Cordyner Robert Cokkett and Thomas Prynce
yomen named and appointed by the aboveseid Comissyoners to be High Collectors for
our seid sovereign Lorde the King to ged levie and receyve all the Sommes of money
assessed and due to His grace for the furst payment of the seid subsidie within the
forseid City suburbes and the Wapentyke aboveseid of that other party Witnessith
that the seid Commissyoners hath delyvered the day and yere above writtyn unto the
aforenamed High Collectors a Cedule Indented whereot the oone part to the oone
partye of this Indenture rernanyng wt the seid High Collectors And the other part
of the seid Cedule remanyng the seid Commissyoners is annexed in whiche Cedule
Indented plainly is expressed and specifyed the particuler names and surnames of
all persons chargeable to the seid Subsidie Wt the valuac~on of their goodes and
lands and the Sommes where unto they and every oone of thaym be presented taxed and
sessed dwellyng within the City aforeseid suburbes of the same and the Wapentyke of
the Ainsty aboveseid. And of all sub-collectors and of all suche sommes of money in
grosse as the seid sub-collectors particularly be charged within their Estrets
reteinyng in your hands 6d. of every pownde for yours ours and sub-collectors Fees
according to the seid Act the whiche charge and sommes of money the seid High
Collectors shall truly accompt and make payment thereof unto the Kings Highnes
at his Courte of Eschequar at Westmynster after the tenour of the forseid Act of
parliament In witnes whereof to either parte of these Indenturez the seid
Commissyoners hath putte their sealls and signe manuells the day and yere
(Endorsed) "Per manus Johannis Castell de Scaccario Domini Regis xxj. die Junij &c."
The Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Journal Vol. IV, 1877.
Information repoduced here by kind agreement with the
Yorkshire Archaeological Society.
OCR, checking, correction by Peter Nelson ©2001
scanning and formatting software by Colin Hinson.
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