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part. C. (pr. ta'an). Taken. This abbreviation is universal, and as pronounced is more euphonious than the uncontracted form.
Ex. Ah 've ta'en it.

Ta'en ageean, part. C. The past participle of to tak' ageean, i.e. to hold in aversion, to dislike; similarly to tak tiv, or tak til (part. ta'en tiv or til) signifies to like, to be fond of, to become attached to.
Ex. Oor maastther 's ta'en ageean ma, an' ah 's seear I can't tell what for.

Tacket, n. F. A tack or small nail.

Tak, n. C. A taking or a holding of land for a fixed rent.

Tak, v. C. To take. Icel. Taka (to take).
Ex.- Tak ho'd on 't.

Tak, by, C. By the piece, as distinguished from by the day, i.e. in engaging labour for any work that has to be done.
Ex. A'e ya ta'en it by tak?

Take, n. C. A flavour.
Ex. It hes a queer tak wiv it.

Tak off, v. C. To run away from an engagement or situation; to undertake a journey, esp. when a certain amount of secrecy is implied. A somewhat similar expression is used in Danish, e.g. Han tog til Helsingor would mean, He went off to Elsinore.
Ex. He went ti pleeace; bud afoor a week was owered he teeak off.

Tak on, v. C. To fret, to lament.
Ex. Whisht, honey; thoo maun't tak on leyke that; thi mother 'll be back i noo.

Tak on wi, v. C. To engage oneself to another, esp. in service or with a view to employment.

Tak tent, v. C. To take watchful care of; to pay close attention to.
Ex. He 'll tak mair tent on 't 'an onny on 'em.

Tak t' hig. Vide Hig.

Tallow-cake, n. C. (pr. taller-keeak). A cake in which the inner fat about the kidney of a beast or sheep is an ingredient

T' ane, t' yan, pron. C. The one; as opposed to another. The corresponding expression to one another is t' ane t' other (or t' ither).
Ex. They bazzaked t' ane t' other.

Tang, n. C. The tongue of a buckle. Dan. En Tange (a tongue of land).

Tangle, n. C. (pr. tang'l). The long fibre of a root, e.g. the potato.
Ex. When t' tang'ls is brokken they can't taatie.

Tantle, v. C. To waste time, to dawdle.

Tastrill, n. F. A saucy, impudent child; one who is badly behaved; a rascal.

Tatchy, adj. C. Cross, irritable, fretful.

Taum, n. C. A short line, generally made of twisted horsehair or worsted, to one end of which the fisherman's hook is attached, and the other joined to the principal line, which generally has several of such taums fixed to it; these are about nine inches long. They are commonly used for eel-fishing. Norse En Tom (a bridle, a rein).

Teegle, v. C. (pr. teeagle). To raise timber on to the waggon by means of tripod, pulleys. horses, &c.
Ex. Wa mun start ti teeagle 'em up wi t' hosses.

Teem, v. C. (pr. teeam). To pour from a vessel either liquids or solids; to unload, e.g. a cartload of coals, turnips, &c. To pour with rain. Dan. At tomme (to empty). At tomme en Flaske (to finish a bottle).
Ex. Teeam t' watther oot o' you can. It fair teeam'd down (with rain). Com an' help us ti teeam this keeak.

Tell, v. C. To recognise, to distinguish.
Ex. Them 's varry good 'uns ti tell; i.e. those are easily distinguished.
There is not much difference between tell and challenge, except that the former is more general in its application, challenge being mostly used of persons.

Tell-pye, tell-pyet, n. F. A tell-tale.

Temse, n. F. A sieve, commonly made of tiffany, and used formerly for dressing flour, &c. Dan. En Timse (a coarse hair sieve).

Teng, v. C. To sting.
Ex. T' wasp teng'd t' dog, an' t' dog hanch'd at t' cat.

Tengs, a. C. A pair of tongs. Dan. En Tang (a pair of tongs), pl. Taenger.
Ex. Whya, bairn, it 's a tooad; bring t' tengs.

Tent, v. C. To keep watch over; to look after, esp. cattle in the lanes, and birds in the corn-fields; also, but not so frequently used as a noun.
Ex.- He 's tentin' bo'ds. He 's coo-tentin'. Thoo mun tak tent on 'em.

Teufit, a. C. (pr. teeafit). The common lapwing.

Tew, v. C. This word is used in a great variety of ways, and is of most frequent occurrence. The root meaning is to work in some way, and especially against time or under difficulties; hence it commonly implies to overtax one's strength as the result of being always on the move. Other meanings are, to strive hard in life, to work bard and more than usual, to fidget, to lie restlessly, as a sick person often does, or as a wakeful child.
Ex.Sha 's had ti tew hard, sha 's browt up a stthrong fam'ly. Noo thoo maun't tew thisen wit' job; i.e. you must not overtax your strength. Ah can't bahd ti be rowin an' tewin as oh used ti deea. T' lahtle lass tews hersen sadly i bed.It 's tewin 'deed; i.e. it is hard work. Thoo 's owlus tewin thisen, i.e. fidgeting.

Thack, theeak, n. C. Thatch; also commonly used as a verb. Dan. At taekke (to thatch). jutl. D. Et Taekke (a roof).
Ex 'Mah haay hez all been steck'd an' theeak'd thus monny a day.' ' York Minster Screen.

Thack or thack-bands, n. C. Bands for tieing on thatch in order to secure it.

Thack or theeak-prods, n. C. The hazel or other prods used in thatching to which the bands are attached.'

Thacker, theeaker, n. C. A thatcher. Jutl. D. En Taekker (a thatcher).

Tharily, adv. F. Slowly, shyly, unwillingly. The adj. Tharf is also, but not so commonly, used. Dan. Tarvelig (frugal, scanty).
Ex. T' rain nobbut cums tharfly.

Them, pron. C. Those.
Ex. Them 's good uns. Them 'at wants onny may lead 'em for thersens.

Thills, n. R. Shafts of a cart, &c. Vide Shills.

Think long. v. C. To be long expectant.
Ex. Ah thowt lang o' ya comin'.

Think on, v. C. (the stress is always laid on the latter word). To remember, to bear in mind. This, though allied to the Biblical expression 'think on these things,' is not identical with it.
Ex. Thoo mun think on. Ah lay t' lad's clean forgot, he can nivver think on.

Thoff, conj. C. Though.
Ex. It leeaks as thoff it wer boun ti raan.

Thondill, n. O. A measure of land. I have not seen this word in any glossary, but it has been repeatedly heard by me from the lips of an old man with whom I have conversed. He, however, only spoke of the word as having been used in his younger days; and therefore it is probably now obsolete. From what I could gather, plots of ploughing land on unenclosed commons were of three sizes, 'broads,' narrows,' and thondills, these latter being intermediate to the other two and about three roods in extent.

Thorpe, n. C. (as a place-name; pr. tthrup, the initial t being exceedingly lightly touched, and thrup). A hamlet. Dan. Torp, Drup, and Up (a hamlet).
Ex. Tholthrup, Helperthrup, Lowtthrup, Fridaythrup, Ugthrup, Fraistthrup, Tibthrup, &c.

Threap, v. C. (pr. threeap). To assist or maintain obstinately, generally followed by out; to force down by argument.
Ex. He threeap'd oot 'at he hadn't deean it.

Threed, n. C. Thread.

Threeve, Thrave, n. F. (pr. threeav). Twelve loggins or battens of drawn straw for thatching, each tied with two bands. For this work sixpence per threeve is the usual payment, and when so, or similarly paid, the men are said to work by threeave.' Formerly this word was applied to a 'stook' of corn. Dan. En Trave (twenty sheaves of corn); Travehob (a shock of corn).

Thriver, n. C. Anything that thrives well.
Ex. Noo them 's been good thrivers, a'en't tha?

Throng, adj. C. (Pr. throng, sometimes thrang). More than ordinarily busy; in a state of confusion. Jutl. D. En Trynge (a crowd).
Ex. We 're throng weshin' ti-day.Ah 'll a-war'nd it there 'll be throng deed at Pockli'ton sittins ti-morn. It 's throng with it teeth (Said of a young horse at a time when its teeth were undergoing change).

Thropple, n. C. The wind-pipe, strictly speaking; but the word is sometimes used for the throat.

Throw, n. F. (pr. thraw). A lathe for turning. Throw-back, n. C. A relapse (in sickness).
Ex.- He had a throw-back last neet.Ah 've had some sad throws back sen ah seed ya last.

Thrummy, adj. C. Fat, bulky.
Ex. Sha 's a thrummy 'an.

Thrumm'l, n. C. A loop in a rope tightly bound round a grooved iron ring, so that another rope may the more easily slip through it.

Thumml-teea, n. F. The great toe.

Thysel, Thysen, pron. C. (pr. thisel, thisen). Yourself. Of these two forms thysen is the commonest, and is used very generally, thysel being mainly confined to parts of the N. R.

Thrust, v. C. This word is always used in preference to push, to which it is equivalent.
Ex. He 's thrussen 't thruff

Ti, prep. C. To. Vide Til.

Tie, n. C. (pr. tah, or tahi). A band for tieing the hind legs of cows at milking time, generally called a coo-tie. It is made of horse-hair for the most part, with a spliced loop at one end and a knob of wood at the other; it is placed round one leg, twisted, brought round the other, and if need be, twisted again, and the knob secured in the loop.

Tie, v. C. Used in the passive voice only with the signification 'to be obliged,' to be compelled,' but without any idea of physical force. Also used impersonally with the sense, 'it must,' 'it is sure to be so,' 'it is certain to happen.'
Ex. Ah 's tied ti leeak efter t' meer. He 's tied ti loss hissen; he dizn't knaw t' rooad. It 's tied; i.e. It's sure to be so.Q. Is 't bonn ti rain? A. It isn't tied.

Tiffany, n. F. Stout gauze, from which sieves are made for dressing flour; the name also given to the sieve itself.

Tike, n. C. Vide Tyke.

Til, tul, prep. C. To. Dan. Til (to). The dialectical varieties of this preposition are four in number, viz. ti, tiv, til, and tul. The two latter are seldom heard except in the N. R.; ti and tiv are universal in the E. R., and are common also in the N. R. Ti is pronounced short, and the same may be said of the a in tul. Til corresponds exactly with the Danish prep. in form, and tul seems to be merely a corruption of it. But in Denmark til is pronounced colloquially, precisely as we pronounce ti in the dialect. Tiv is only, and in the E. R. generally, used before a vowel or h, the v being added for euphony. With an infinitive mood, however, ti is used in all cases. The following examples will best illustrate the various usages
Ex.Thoo mun gun til (or tul him. N. R. Thoo mun , gan tiv him. E. R. Ah 's coom'd ti hear him. E. and N. R.He disn't want ti ax him nowt. E. and N. R. He gav summat tiv (or ti) ivvery yan on 'em. E. and N. R.He gav summat tiv 'em all (never ti 'em). E. and N. R. When he cam tul, i.e. came to his senses. N. R. It 'll nivver com ti owt (and sometimes tiv owt). E. and N. R.

Timersome, adj. F. (pr. timmersome). Timorous, apprehensive of danger.

Ti-morn, adv. C. To-morrow. Vide T' morn.

Tipe, v. C. To fall over.
Ex. He 's tiped ower.

Tipe-trap, n. C. A trap of which the floor hangs on a pivot and is evenly balanced, so that the weight of the animal entering it causes the door to fall.

Tite, adv. F. Soon, willingly. The comparative of this word is titter, and is more rarely used. Dan. Tid (time).
Ex. Ah 'd as life deea t' job as not. Titter up ca'; i.e. the soonest up in a morning call the rest.

Tiv, prep. C. To. Vide Til.

Tivvy, v. C. To run about in play.
Ex. T' lads is awlus tivvyin aboot.

T'morn or Ti morn, adv. C. To-morrow. There can be no doubt that t' morn is an abbreviation of ti (or to) morn. 'To-morrow morning' would be expressed by t' morn 't morn or ti morn t' morn; this latter abbreviation might be either at morn or i' t' morn, but I incline to think that the former is correct. Similarly, 'to-morrow night' is ti morn at fleet, or, for shortness, t' morn 't neet.

Toon, n. C. Vide Town.

Toon-street, n. C. Vide Town.

Top-coat, n. C. A great-coat, an overcoat.

Tottering, adj. C. (pr. tottherin). Changeable (of weather).
Ex. It 's a tottherin tahm been this last fo'tnith.

Tottle, v. C. To toddle; frequently applied to elderly or in-firm people who walk with difficulty.
Ex. Ah 's nobbut waakly; bud ah can just tottle aboot a bit.

Town, n. C. (pr. toon). A village, of whatever size; a collection of habitations ; a hamlet; a town ; the main road through which is always called t' toon stthreet. Norse Tun (provincial town); Icel. Tun (a farmstead).
Ex.Ah seed him i t' toon a bit sen. Iv oor toon.

Towple, v. C. To fall over; to double over.
Ex. To towple ower tail; i.e. in fig. sense to double, as money might do at compound interest.

To you, I'll be, F. I will come to you.

Trail, v. C. To draw or pull along the ground, commonly with the idea of difficulty accompanying the action; to trail oneself is to walk slowly and with difficulty.
Ex. Ah 's that badly, whahl ah can hardlins tthraal mysen across t' fleear. Sha com tthraalin efther him (said of a tired wife).

Trailtengs, n. C. An idle, gossiping female.

Trash, n. C. A good-for-nothing person.
Ex. He 's a complete bad trash.

Travel, v. C. To walk, to move along. It is difficult to describe the usage of this word, which is quite peculiar. To walk is commonly used, as e.g. when a man says he would prefer walking to riding, or when a man is seen walking on the road; but if the road is difficult to walk along, as from snow, &c, then it is not said to be 'bad walking,' but bad tthrav'lin. Again, if an old man, stiff from rheumatism, wished to express that the stiffness somewhat wore off after he had begun to walk a little, he would say, Ah isn't seea bad when ah git agait o' tthrav'lin.

Trig, v. F. To fill with food, to give food, to feed (trans.), esp. animals.
Ex. He 's trig'd hissen, i.e. He has eaten greedily.

Trigger, n. C. One who supplies with food, a feeder; e.g. a bullock-trigger is the man who feeds bullocks.

Trod, n. C. A foot-path. Norse En Trod (a footpath). This word is invariably used instead of path.

Troll, v. C. (Pr. between troll and trowl). To roll, esp. down a slope. Dan. Trille (to roll). This word is often used in speaking of the custom of rolling eggs on the grass on Easter Monday, that day being frequently called Troll-egg Monday.

Tup, n. C. (pr. toop, but slightly shorter). A ram.

Turve, n. C. A piece of cut turf from the moor, which is used as fuel. Dan. Torv (a turve, or piece of turf for fuel).

Turve-cake, n. C. A cake commonly made in the moorland districts. The cakes are put into a pan and covered over with a tightly-fitting lid; the pan is then put upon a turf fire and covered all round and at the top with the burning turves, and so the cakes are baked.

Tweea, adj. C. (pr. almost as one syllable). Two.
Ex. Ah see'd tweea on em.

Twilt, n. C. A bed coverlet, a quilt.

Twilt, v. C. To flog; the corresponding noun twilting is also in common use.
Ex. He gav him a good twiltin.

Twiny, adj. C. Fretful, peevish, hard to please.

Twitch-bell, n. C. The common earwig. Vide Forkin-robin, with which it is synonymous. Dan. Orentvist (the earwig).

Twitters, n. F. A state of impatience, nervousness, or anxiety.
Ex. He 's all i twitters ti be off

Tyke, n. C. A low character, a mean fellow; commonly used as a term of disdain. This word is generally thought to be of Scandinavian origin: it seems to me more probable that it is a British word, and may be connected with the Welsh taeog (a villain).

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