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LYRICS by Thomas Jefferson Monkman, 1885:
Yorskhire Poems by Thomas Jefferson Monkman, part 2

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This Volume is the work of my leisure moments for the last ten years. Having been solicited by many friends to bring my Lyrics before the public in a collected form, I have decided, in deference to their wishes, to launch my poetical barque upon the sea of public opinion. I am emboldened to take this step as many of my poems have already received the approval and patronage of the press. My labour has been one of love, and if I win the esteem and approbation of my fellow townsmen, my exertions will not have been in vain. To those Editors in Hull and elsewhere who have placed my productions before the public, I beg to return my sincere and heartfelt thanks. To them I am truly grateful for the handsome manner in which they have introduced an unknown stranger to the literary world.

Hull Literary Club,
January, 1885.


Marine and Rural

Poems by Thomas Jefferson Monkman (1885)
Scanned by Graham Metcalf ©2003
OCRd and checked by Colin Hinson ©2003

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