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Langdale's Yorkshire Dictionary:


A Topographical Dictionary of Yorkshire

For the year 1822, by Thomas Langdale

Yorkshire Dictionary - Preface:

In presenting a new edition (1822) of this Work to the Public, in consequence of additional matter, it becomes necessary for the Editor to give some introductory explanation of the present plan, and of the abbreviations made use of in the work, and of the additional information to be expected by the reader.

The whole of the work has been re-written and carefully examined, and the greatest part of the County visited by the editor. -After the names of the places, are the following abbreviations, viz.:- ham. for hamlet, s.h for single house, f.h. for farm house, scatt. hs. for scattered houses, p.h. for public house, cotts. for cottages, pointing out at once what the place is; and the "the seat" &c. follows, it implies only a single house. Wherever a Gentleman's Seat is adjoining to, or within a town or village, it is given after the wapentake; all places not having any of the above abbreviations following, are to be considered as towns or villages. -Some few places are denominated townships or parishes, as Abbotside, High and Low, and Ellerburn, there being no villages of the names, but only certain districts so called.

In giving the township, in which each hamlet or single house, &c. is situated it may be proper to observe that they are given according as they pay Poor's Rates, with some few exceptions. - This part which may be considered the most valuable, as additional matter, and what has never been attempted before, will be found of the greatest utility in all public offices.

In the next part we have to notice the abbreviations, &c. respecting the value of the church livings, which are as follow, viz.:- the value in the King's books is marked "+" when discharged from the payment of first fruits; -p.r. is for parliamentary return; - the marks before the values returned to parliament, will be seen in the note below. -All livings, except such as are stated to the contrary, are within the diocese of York. - The Patrons of the livings have been corrected by a correspondence with the resident clergy. The value in the King's books, whether Rectories or Vicarages, &c. is taken from Bacon's Thesaurus; but wherever a difference was found in the return made to parliament, by the incumbent of that time, the latter has been taken, conceiving such return most likely to be correct at the present time.

With respect to the authorities for historical and biographical notices, introduced by way of relieving the work from the dull, dry, tedium of detail, we have nothing to add, having made a point of giving the authorities at the end of each article, not solely for showing the source of information, but, that the reader, who might want a more enlarged account, may know where to refer to without much consultation, - such authorities only, as may be relied on, have invariably been selected with some trifling exceptions.

The informations relative to public hospitals, &c. without authorities, have been furnished us by residents, comparing the same with the returns of such institutions made to parliament, in 1786.

Certain liberties, for the sake of abbreviations, having been omitted in the text of this work, which appeared in the last edition; it becomes necessary to inform the reader, that such liberties omitted, are Langbarugh, Pickering-Lythe, Whitby-Strand, and Allertonshire which are co-extensive with their respective wapentakes. The liberty of Richmondshire extends over the five wapentakes of Hang-East and West, Gilling-East and West and Hallikeld, except where St Peter, or any other similar liberty interferes, which is invariably noted.

The Ainsty, which was, in the last Edition, separated from the three Ridings is in this, embodied with the West-Riding, having the word "Ainsty" inserted after the name of each place, thereby rendering the references less.

Having briefly explained the several abbreviations, &c. in the work, it now only remains for the Editor to return his most grateful thanks to the resident Clergy of the County, and other Gentlymen, for their communications, and to the Chief Constables and other public Officers, by whose assistance and information, this work has been rendered much more correct than it otherwise would have been. The voluntary contributions to this laborious work being few, the Editor cannot so far suffer himself to be guilty of ingratitude, as to pass them by un-noticed; therefore to the author of a letter, signed "Clericus," from the East Riding, and to another, signed "An Antiquary" from Brampton, his best thanks are due, not alone for the matter, but also for the manner in which each was conveyed. And, to the very Rev. the Dean of Ripon he has to express his obligations, for the use of several papers belonging to this archdeaconry; as well as for his readiness, at all time, in furnishing him with information, which might in the least tend to improve or render the work correct.

He now consigns the Book to its fate, assuring the reader that neither time nor expense has been spared, in rendering the work as accurate as the nature of the subject will admit of.

RIPON, NOV. 1, 1822

Transcribed from
Langdale's Yorkshire Dictionary

by Colin Hinson © 2007

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