Blunham Wildlife Group

Blunham Wildlife Group Sightings - Butterflies

BrimstoneIvel/Garden/fieldsCycle TrackFieldsFields    
Clouded Yellow   Fields    
Common Blue Fields      
CommaGarden GardenFields    
Gatekeeper  Fields/GardenFields    
Green-veined WhiteIvel       
Holly BlueGardenVillage      
Large Skipper  Fields     
Meadow Brown FieldsFieldsFields    
Marbled White   Fields    
Orange TipIvel/GardenGarden      
Painted Lady  Fields     
Red AdmiralGardenIvelFieldsFields    
Ringlet  FieldsFields    
Small Heath Ivel/fieldsFields/Garden     
Small Skipper  FieldsFields    
Small TortoishellIvel/Garden GardenGarden/Fields    
Speckled WoodIvelIvelFieldsFields  GardenGarden
Small Copper Garden      

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