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Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.

The place: SKIRLAUGH.     Church dedication: ST. AUGUSTINE.

Holderness wapentake, M.D. -Population, 228, vide Swine *1; Church-room, 300; Net value, vide Swine. - Archbishop Sharp calls this a Chapel, and quotes an endowment in 1337.

10th December 1337, a composition was made with the Priory of Swine respecting the repairs of the Chapel, and provision for the minister.

On the 2nd May 1404, Walter Skirlaw, Bishop of Durham, founded a Chantry in this Chapel for two Chaplains. -Torre gives the endowment, which is very full and special.

Patron, vide Swine.

In the Parliamentary Survey, vol. xvii. page 238, it is stated : " No minister. A salary of £3. 6s. 8d. To be made a parish, and Benningham and Grange to be annexed."

No return as to glebe house.

The Register Books commence in 1719.

Marmaduke Langdale's charity, by will, dated 1st August, 7th Jac. I. Rent of 32a. of land, let, at the time of the Report, for £26 per annum, and interest of £40, to be employed by four, six, or eight of the most sufficient men in North Skirlaugh, South Skirlaugh, Rowton, and Arnold, for the repairs of the Chapel, and the maintenance of children, and teaching them, at the discretion of the most substantial men of that Chapel, towards their relief, at the marriages of poor servants and poor labourers, who shall be married at South Skirlaugh, Rowton, North Skirlaugh, and Arnold; but these demands are not encouraged, two only having been made a few years preceding the Report, and but one attended to ; and for apprenticing poor children, either from the school at South Skirlaugh or North Skirlaugh, or other poor children having no other means of relief, to become apprentices ; but applications are seldom made.

The Commissioners reported, that the rents were applied by the trustees, at their discretion, for the purposes mentioned in the will. From 1792 to 1813, during which term the rents were £18 per annum, it appeared that £5. 5s. per annum were paid to the chapelwardens for the repairs of the Chapel, and sums from £4. 10s. to £6. 6s. a year for schooling children, and the residue retained as an increasing fund, which amounted in 1813 to £67. 3s. 3d., but since then, after deducting a few out-payments, had been, for erection of new pews in the Chapel, in 1819, £60; to a schoolmaster, for instructing ten children, boys and girls, in reading, writing, and accounts, £10. 10s. per annum ; for apprenticing one boy, £7. 7s.; to a poor man on his marriage, in 1815, £5. 5s.; and £6. 6s. was about to be applied, at the time of their inquiry, in placing out an apprentice : that there was a balance in hand, at the time of their Report, of £40, part of which was lodged in the bank of Messrs. Smith and Thompson, of Hull ; £25. 17s. 6d. in the hands of one of the trustees ; £13, half-year's rent, and about £21 for principal and interest, due from one of the trustees.

The Chapel Estate. This property, which for a very long period (the Commissioners reported) had been under the management of the chapelwarden for the time being, was supposed to have been given by Walter de Skirleaugh, formerly Bishop of Durham, the founder and builder of the Chapel, and consists of 9A. 3r. of land, let, at the time of the Report, for £25. 15s. per annum ; rents of two houses, let, at ditto, for £9. 19s. 6d. per annum ; and rents-charge of 9s. 4d. per annum ; and the clear produce (£36. 3s. 10d.) is applied in repairing the Chapel, and the payment of expenses attending the performance of divine service ; and that for some time there was £5 per annum, or thereabouts, applied towards supplying the deficiency, in subscriptions, for raising an annual stipend of £26. 5s. to the minister of the Chapel, who had no other emolument ; and that there was a balance in hand, at the time of their Report, of £38. 12s. 5d., but which was expended in re-pewing the Chapel, and other expenses incidental thereto.

For Skirlaugh School, see also Bodleian MS., No. 5081. -Vide 9th Report, page 780.

Post town: Beverley.

Torre's MS., page 1469. Abp. Sharp's MS., vol. ii. page 163. Bawdwen's Domesday Book (Schireslai), pages 176, 177. Burton's Monasticon, page 253. Thompson's Swine, page 193.

*1 Viz. South Skirlaugh. -In 1834, the population of the Chapelry was returned at 447.

From the original book published by
George Lawton in 1842..
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