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SWINE, a parish in the wapentake and liberty of Holderness; 7 miles NW. of Hedon. The church which is a Gothic structure (see Churches for photograph), dedicated to St Mary, claims to be of the age of Prince Offa; the patron is Mrs. Bramley, and the Rev. Matthew Williamson, is the vicar. Population, 229,

A religious house consisting of a Prioress and fourteen or fifteen Nuns of the Cistercian order, was founded here by Robert de Verli, before the end of the reign of king Stephen,

Here was once a religious house, which at the time of the dissolution, contained a Prioress, and 14 or 15 Nuns of the Cistertian order. It was founded by Robert de Verli, in the reign of King Stephen, and dedicated to the Virgin Mary, it was surrendered by Dorothy Knight, the last Prioress, who received a pension of 13L. 6s. 8d. per annum, each of the Nuns had pensions of from 3L. 6s. 8d. to 2L. per annum. The revenues of their house at this time, was according to Dugdale, 82L. 3s. 9d. and Speed, 134L. 6s. 9d. The site, &c. was sold by Henry VIII. in 1540, to Sir Richard Gresham, Knight, and in the 35th year of his reign, the King sold to the same person the rectory of Swine, with all its appurtenances in Swine, Coniston, &c. -Burton.

Of the Priory of Swine, there are no remains of the building to be traced, a farm house stands on the site, near which, were lately dug up several silver and copper coins, amongst which was one of Constantinus, with the head of Flavius. In the church, which belonged to the Priory, are several monumental effigies, in a high state of preservation, with inscriptions, probably belonging to the Darcy family. -Britton.

[Description(s) edited mainly from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson. ©2010]

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