Yorkshire |
Contact information:
If you want to report an error on one of the Genuki pages which I (Colin Hinson) maintain,
please use the link at the bottom of the relevant page.
If you want to contact me with regard to copyright,
If you are trying to contact me for some other reason, please
use my Email
The pages on these websites are not constituted to be in the public domain and remain proprietary.
You may view, download, and print materials from these web site for your personal, non-commercial use. Personal use does not include web sites, ftp sites or any other sort of electronic access.
You may not modify, distribute, reproduce, publish, license, sell, create derivative works from, or remove proprietary rights notices from any materials on these web sites without the express written permission of Colin Hinson and/or others mentioned as copyright owners on the relevant web pages. You should assume that all materials on these web sites are the copyrighted materials of Colin Hinson and/or others. All rights are reserved.
Further, you may not:
However, comments, information or materials that you wish to submit to Colin Hinson through this web site are welcome. Any materials or information you submit to will remain the copyright of the relevant person, with the additional protection of database rights by it being added to my database. You must not submit materials to which you do not own the copyright unless you have permission to do so.
The above mentioned web sites provide hyperlinks to web sites that may be of interest to users. Neither Colin Hinson nor GENUKI endorses, and are not responsible for, your access to, or use of web sites controlled by other parties.
Any disputes will be governed by the laws of the United Kingdom, without regard to any provision of United Kingdom law that would require or permit the application of the substantive law of any other jurisdiction.
If you are in any doubt about the copyright and database rights claims made here, please see the Intellectual Property Office's Database Rights page which also has links to other copyright information pages.
Dates of copyright should be taken to be the date given for the last update of the page. The date given for the software copyright is that used to update the page.
I am a trustee of GENUKI which is a registered trademark. Since 1995 I (and others) have put in many thousands of hours of vountary work in order that people in many countries with ancestors in Yorkshire (in particular) may be able to gain an insight into the topography and people of the county. I spend my own money and time order to buy relevant books, take photographs etc., the results of this are to be found on the GENUKI site - I do not work for you or your web site!!
I don't really expect praise for my work (though the odd "thank you" is nice to receive), but neither do I expect the material on the Genuki site to be copied to other web sites in order to enhance them. In my eyes (and under the law) copying is theft - my work is being taken without my permission and used in order to save someone time and money in order to make their own web-site look better. Please do not do this! If copied material is found, action will eventually be taken against the culprit - this may be legal action, you may be invoiced for the use of the material or simply requested to remove it. There is no legal limit on the amount that the invoice may be for and unpaid invoices will be persued through the small claims court (which has a limit of around 4,000 pounds).
Previous to this page of conditions of use, I had another much longer one which went into detail.
Permission will normally be given for the free use of church photographs on web sites of the relevant churches or sites associated with those churches, however permission must be requested, granted and the grant acknowledged by the relevant person.
I am self employed and I run a small business selling photographs, CDroms of old Yorkshire books and writing software. If you want permission to use any of my photographs other than for personal use, then you will need to pay me for their use: please email me via the Photograph Copyright email page. You will need to describe exactly which photograph it is that you want to use, and exactly where and exactly how you want to use it.
Permission will no longer be given (other than for personal use) to copy/use etc. text from the Genuki site. Please do not copy and then try to use the "Fair use" laws as an excuse - these only allow use for reviews and educational research such as class "hand-outs" and not for web sites.
If you need to use any of my maps on a web-site, then please link either directly to the relevant map or the page which contains information about the map. Permission will not be given to copy the map(s) to other web-sites. If you need to use a section of one of the parish maps, then please email me as I have other maps designed to make it easier to do this.
Please link instead of copying:
So, you will be asking, how do I get the information on the Genuki site on my site? Well, the easy and simple answer is to add a link to the relevant Genuki page from your web site. If you are afraid that you will lose your reader by doing this, then use the link to open up a different window, but whatever you do, do not try to "frame" the Genuki page - it will cause the back arrow to be greyed out leaving your reader no means of return to your pages.
Three exclusions:
I have had (or am having) problems with people who are:
If you really must have the data from the GENUKI Yorkshire pages on your website, then do what I or others have done: go and buy the relevant book (you will not have any change out of £100), or go to the relevant Records Office and then transcribe the information yourself. Your work is then your copyright and you can use it as you see fit.
Colin Hinson, December 2008.
If you have any questions/queries on the content of this page or any of my (or other people's) transcriptions, please see my email page.
This page has been placed in the "Public Domain" by Colin Hinson. If you are having problems similar to those mentioned above, or simply need a page to work from, then you are very welcome to copy and modify this page for your own use on the Internet. The only condition of use for this is that you include this paragraph or something very similar.