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1871 Sheffield Census Index

The 1871 census index for Sheffield is an ongoing census transcription from the available Sheffield area 1871 census fiche images. The index may not be 100% accurate. As always in family history research, all details will need to be confirmed by users themselves. No responsibility can be accepted for any errors, however if you should find an error, please inform Gordon Cambell

Details given on the index are as follows:

There are currently 205530 entries in this index out of a total of around an approx population of 240,000.
Updates will be added approximately each month until complete, so it's always worth checking back frequently.

Percentage (%) of census areas transcribed :
Registrar's District / Registrar's Sub District / % transcribed

Use the EDIT - FIND option of your browser to search for a particular name. If your name search is unsuccessful, try looking under "N" for "Not known", or "X" for "X?" which denotes - where the first letter of the surname is not legible, but other letters of the name are.

My thanks to the following, for their particular contribution in the creating of the index.

Please use the following links to get to the initial letter(s) of the relevant surnames:
A-Alk / All-Arc / Ard-Ash / Ask-Az / B-Bam / Ban-Barm / Barn-Bat / Bau-Bee / Bef-Bid / Bie-Bin / Bir-Bla / Ble-Bool /
Boot-Boy / Bra / Bre-Bri / Broa-Broo / Brop-Brow / Bru-Bun / Bur-By / C-Car / Cas-Cha / Che-Cla / Cle-Cok /
Col-Con / Coo / Cop-Cow / Cox-Crof / Crog-Cy / D-Da / De-Dic / Did-Doy / Dr-Dy / E-Elk / Ell / Elm-Ey / F-Fe /
Fi-Fl / Fo-Fo / Fr-Fy / G-Gen / Geo-Gil / Gim-God / Gof-Goy / Gr-Gra / Gre-Gree / Greg-Gy / H-Hak / Hal /
Ham-Hap / Har / Has-Haw / Hay-Hee / Hef-Hev / Hew-Hik / Hil-Hiz / Ho-Hok / Hol-Hom / Hon-Hov / How-Hoz /
Hu-Hy / I / Ja-Jay / Je / Ji-Jy / Ka-Ken / Keo-Ky / L-La / Le-Lim / Lin-Loe / Lof-Ly / M-Map / Mara-Marr / Mars /
Mart-Mau / Mav-Mc / Me-Mid / Mig-Mon / Moo-Mors / Mort-My / N-Ne / Ni-Ny / O / P-Parl / Parm-Pea / Peb-Piy /
Pla-Pov / Pow-Py / Q / R-Ret / Rev-Roa / Rob-Rod / Roe-Ry / S-Say / Sca-Se / Sh-Shl / Shi-Sil / Sim-Sme / Smi /
Smo-Sq / St-Sti / Sto-Sty / Su-Sty / T-Tea / Teb-Tho / Thr-Try / Tu-Ty / U / V / W-Walf / Walk / Wall-Warb /
Ward-Was / Wat-Wes / Wet-Whiteh / Whitel-Wili / Wilk-Willo / Wills-Wix / Wo-Woo / Wor-Wy / X / Y / Z

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