GENUKI Home page    Wath upon Dearne Parish Wath upon Dearne


SWINTON, in the parish of Wath upon Dearne, upper-division of Strafforth and Tickhill, liberty of Tickhill; 4 miles N. of Rotherham, 8 from Doncaster. Pop. 1,050. The Church is a perpetual curacy, dedicated to St. Margaret, in the deanry of Doncaster, value, p.r. !£132. 10s. Patron, the Vicar of Wath.

The Chapel of Swinton is small, and has, besides the highly enriched door, a fine Saxon Arch, separating the nave of the Chapel from the chancel end. The south entrance to this Chapel, like many other Saxon remains, is ornamented with a variety of zigzag mouldings, and one of nondescript heads, which has among them two radiant roses, remarkable for being so placed. The capitals of the pillars, of which there are three on each side of the door, leading into the Church, are variously ornamented. --Antiquarian Itinerary.

(Late note: The chapel has been recently re built, but whether the Saxon doorway has been destroyed or not, we have not heard.)

Two farms, lying in this township, which belong to Earl Fitzwilliam, every year change their parish, for one year from Easter day at twelve at noon, till next Easter day at the same hour, they lie in the parish of Mexborough; and then till Easter day following, at the same hour, they are in the parish of Wath upon Dean, and so alternately. --Blount's Tenures. These farms consist of about 302 acres. --Ed.
[Description(s) edited from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson © 2013]

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