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Wath upon Dearne parish:


Wath upon Dearne, Benefactions transcription:

The second List of Benefactions in All Saints Church, Wath upon Dearne.

1810 July 24,.. Thomas Tuke Esquire bequeathed the Interest of 40:0:0 to be distributed in Penny loaves at this Church on Christmas Day by the Churchwardens Annually, for ever.

1814 October 14,.. Mr. John Higson of Brampton School in this Parish , Fifty Pounds, the interest to be paid to poor widows and poor families belonging to Brampton bierlow not receiving relief out of the poor rates of that Township.

1836 December 19 Mr. William Jackson of Wath upon dearne, One Hundred Pounds the interest to be expended in the purchase of Blankets. the same to be distributed by the Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Wath upon Dearne, unto and amongst the most necessitous and deserving Poor of the said Township on the 11th Day of November Annually for ever.

The same Mr. William Jackson also gave One Hundred Pounds the interest to be expended in the purchase of Blankets the same to be distributed by the Church wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Brampton-bierlow in this Parish unto and amongst the most necesitous and deserving Poor of That Township on the 11th Day of November Annually for Ever.

1840 August 28th.. Mr. Thomas Briggs of Brampton bierlow in this Parish, Fifty Pounds the interest to be paid to eight respectable poor widows in the Villages of Brampton and West Melton. those in Brampton to have the preferance, to be distributed by his Trustees on saint Thomas's Day Annually for ever.

1843 February 28thThomas Jackson Gentleman, of Barbott Hall near Rotherham, bequeathed the Church-wardens of Brampton bierlow, One Hundred Pounds, the interest to be expended by the Church-wardens of Brampton Bierlow, in Blankets, and other wearing Clothing and distributed by them to the Poor, of the said Township of Brampton bierlow, on the eleventh of November, Annually for ever.

1862 June 7th Wm. Carr Esquire Forty six Pounds per Annum to the Vicar & Churchwardens, to be apportioned as follows, Twenty five Pounds Annually to a resident Organist, the residue to the Singers.

1862 Sept. 26th Miss Alice Otter, Two Hundred Pounds to the Vicar & Churchwardens, the Interest to be applied for buying warm clothing and given to the Poor Annually in January.

1864 Sept. 26th Mr. Daniel Carnley One Hundred Pounds, the Intrest to be paid to the Vicar and Churchwardens for buying Blankets to be given at Christmas to the deserving Poor.

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson

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