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Radar heads

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Buchan=69_small.jpg Buchan=70_small.jpg Buchan=71_small.jpg Buchan=72_small.jpg Buchan=97_small.jpg
This radome is a bit smaller (and painted a lighter shade) than the TPS34 radome. It is the radome built to accommodate the Type92 mobile radar (early FPS-117). The radar would operate inside the radome normally, but in times of international tension it could be deployed elsewhere. - This radome was erected in the second half of 1983. The present remaining radome at Buchan is on the same site (Some websites claim the Type 92 was in use at Buchan as early as 1979, that is definitely not the case, it did not arrive at Buchan until the second half of 1983).
John Dell

Photograph Number 71

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