Ground Radar Displays
At the museum we have 3 radar display consoles: types 60, 61 and 64. The 60 and 64 were used for PPI (Plan Position Indicator) displays, and the 61 for "A" scan and height finder displays. We have had all 3 working since June 2017.
- The console 60 has only a timebase display (we have the selsyns working to produce a rotating display).
- The console 61 we believe to be fully functional - we can display "A" scan, height finder (nodding) display, and IFF and A scan on the upper CRT.
- The console 64 has a display that approximates to the most advanced form in which it was used (Fixed coil, Phase 1A). (see links at the top of this page).
A short description of consoles 60 and 61 is given below (see link at top of page for Console 64).
See also the Air Publications (A.P.s) for more details:
Additionally the following APs are associated with the consoles, being part of the Radar Office equipment:
Console 60.
is a PPI display console primarily for use in radio vehicle Type 5104.1, powered by internal mains driven power supplies with a glass cursor used to indicate the azication position of the relevant height finder. It is a moving coil display (i.e. the coils rotate around the neck of the CRT)
Its inputs are:
- Video frequency derived from an associated receiving chain on the information
generator rack assembly.
- Range marks from an external calibrator unit, and
azimuth marks (or a video map) can also be displayed.
- A trigger for the timebase.
- Normal PPI with provision for off-centring up to one radius of the CRT.
- On centre
PPI display for putting-on purposes in conjunction with radar Type 13.
The orientation of the Type 13 aerial is shown by an azicator cursor upon a
scale graduated in degrees with an auxiliary scale by which the cursor indication
can be estimated to within deg.
Power inputs:
- (a) 230 volts, 45-60 c/s, maximum current 1.5A, plus power for turning gear
control, timebase, and azicator selsyns; the power consumption of these
selsyns is dependent upon operating conditions.
(b) 50 volts, DC, maximum current 1A, for relay operation.
Main components:
- Indicating unit CRT, Type 30, embodies PPI tube, scan
coil and azicator selsyns and EHT power pack for CRT giving 8 kV at lmA.
- Timebase unit Type 129, embodies timebase circuits
and video amplifying strip.
- Power unit Type 742,
provides 350-volt 250 mA (max.) positive HT and 300-volt 200 mA (max.)
negative bias.
- Control units (training) Type 910 and 911, optical assembly
right-hand, and left-hand, for
aerial position laying.
Console 61.
It's inputs are (among others):
- 230v AC mains for all the power supplies and valve heater transformers.
- 45Mhz IF signals for the Radar and IFF
- Triggers for the timebases (we use the same trigger for all)
- Output from height finder feed-back Magslip.
- The main CRT displays either Radar A-scan or Height Finder signals.
- The small CRT displays IFF on the upper trace and Height Finder signals on the lower trace in A scan. This CRT was originally blue but is now green.
- Calibration markers for the main display
- Narrow Band Width and Short Time Constant capability in the IF strip
Main Components:
- Power Units: Types 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875
- Timebase Units: 134 (Elevation), 135 (IFF), 136 (Range).
- Indicating Units: 31 (IFF), 32 (A scan and Height Finder).
- Amplifiers: A3711 (IF), 295 (AJ and Video),
- Panels: 642 (Sync and Blanking), 643 (Control), 644 (Control), 645 (input)
This console is by far the worst Radar equipment to work on that I have ever met!
Console 61 re-furbishment
Console 64.
A PPI or height finder display powered by external power supplies. It is a Fixed Coil display and there are two main types:
- Phase 1. Deflection amplifiers contain inter-trace switching.
- Phase 1A. Inter-trace switching done in a Mixer in the radar office for each console - deflection amps contain no inter-trace stuff. These types could be either PPI or height finder displays.
Console 64 description
Console 64 re-furbishment
Page last updated 30th December 2020 by Colin Hinson.