Radar/Aircraft<br>main page Radar/Aircraft
main page

Photos of Museum Exhibits.



The index below consists of a table of items, each being linked to the first image of that item type. To get to the rest of the same type of items images, simply use the scroll facilities on each succeeding page.

If you find any errors in identification etc. please drop me a line.

The number for the photograph is given in the caption below the photograph.

There are three sizes of photos: the thumbnail images which link to a page containing a larger image (640 by 480 pixels), and then a full size image which is linked from the previously mentioned larger image. Some of the full size images are very large and are hosted by Yorkshire CD books.

Colin Hinson.

Aerial  Aircraft Apprentices  Amplifier  Battery  Beacon  Bookcase 
Box  Calibrator  Computer  Connector  Console 61  Console 
Control Unit  Controller  Converter Rotary  Converter  Counter Timer  CRT 
Display cabinet  Drive Unit  Galvo  Gas Mask  GEE  Indicator Unit 
Indicator  Intercomm  Lamp  Loud Speaker  Measuring Set  Meter 
Missile  Modulator  Monitor  Morse  Motor  Multimeter 
Oscillator  Oscilloscope  Panel  Pip Squeak  Power Unit  Power 
Probes  Radar  Radio Altimeter  Radios  Radio  Radome 
Receiver  Resistor  Rheostat  Rocket  Selsyn  Signal Generator 
Signal  Staff  Standard  Station  Switch Unit  Switch 
Syntoniser  Telegraph  Telephone  Teleprinter  Teletype  Test Set 
Test Unit  Tester  Timebase Unit  TR Cell 3cm  TR Cell  Transceiver 
Transducer  Transmitter  Typewriter  Unit  Unknown  Valve Voltmeter 
Valve  Voltage Regulator  Waveform Generator  Waveguide  Wavemeter  Wire Recorder 

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