You are welcome to download and use these files for your own personal use, but DO NOT upload them to other web sites.
Donations for the upkeep of these pages :
- ASR 725 Service Manual (a lot of missing pages)
- ASR 733 Service Manual
- ASR 733 User Manual
- ASR 742 Service Manual
- Micro Laser
- Model 810 printer Operating Instructions
- Models 830 and 835
Devices (Integrated Circuits)
- TMS9927 & TMS9937 Video Timers/Controllers
- TMS9996 (TMS9995SE - System Emulator)
- See my Adventures in Teletext page for Teletext devices.
TM990 sytems
Software etc.
Link Editor
Power Basic
Power Basic Addendum for E155 Eurocards
TMS9900 Floppy Disk Controller (Application Note)
TMS9900 Family Software Development Handbook .
SBP9900a Systems Development Manual
990 Computer Family Systems Handbook
Micro Computer Handbook
Micro Systems Designers Handbook
E155 Basic File1, File2, File3, File4 (I don't know if this is the whole Basic software)
Labelling Disassembler - High Part, Low Part
TMAM 6083 Emulator for TMS9995
TMAM 6085 Emulator for TMS9995
TMS9995 Emulator
TMS9995 Hardware
Memory Expansion
Texas Instruments 99/4 and 99/4A Home Computers.
My Files and documents rescued from ASR733 Digital Cassettes and 5.25" floppy disks.
Documents for the 99/4 and 99/4A consoles.
- Console And Peripheral Expansion Technical Data (99/4A)
- Addendum - explaining differences between the 99/4 and the 99/4A keys.
- You and the TI 99/4A - lists of software available
- The Graphics Programming Language (GPL)
- Programmer's Guide.
- Source listing in 9900 code with the GPL Interpreter/Assembler (99/4A version)
- TI Basic Reference Card
- Joysticks
- 99/4 Home Computer Servicing (poor quality, looks like 10th generation photocopy!).
- Technical Data (far better quality)
- Software Library List (1983)
Documents for the Peripheral Expansion cards:
- RS232 Interface Card (Multilingual)
- Myarc Disk Memory System Card
- Myarc Disk Management System Level 3
Documents for the expansion boxes (Specs. may be applicable to the Peripheral Cards too):
- Diskette Drives (Multilingual)
- Diskette System (Multilingual)
- File Management Specification
- Software Specification for Disk Peripheral
- Functional Disk Specification
- RS232 Interface Manual (Multilingual)
- EIA RS232 Specification
User documents for Cassette and Diskette software.
- Adventureland
- Beginners Basic Tutor
- Bridge Bidding 1
- Bridge Bidding 2
- Bridge Bidding 3
- Checkbook Manager
- Computer Music Box
- Computer War
- Electrical Engineering Library
- Inventory Management
- Invoice Management
- Line by line Assembler
- Mailing List
- Market Simulation
- Math Routine Library
- Music Maker Demonstration
- Music Skills Trainer
- Mystery Fun House
- Mystery Melody
- Oldies But Goodies - Games 1
- Oldies But Goodies - Games 2
- Personal Financial Aids
- Programming Aids 1
- Programming Aids 2
- Programming Aids 3
- River Rescue
- Saturday Night Bingo
- Speak and Math
- Speak and Spell
- Spell Writer
- Structural Engineering Library
- Submarine Commander
- Teach Yourself Basic
- Teach Yourself Extended Basic
- Text to Speech (English)
Large user documents for Software Modules.
Small user documents for Software Modules
- Editor/Assembler
- Extended Basic plus Important Information
- Multiplan
- Terminal Emulator Protocol
- TI Logo
- TI-Writer
Third Party documentation:
- Data Magnetics GPL Assembler
- Deadline (game)
- Foundation 128k Memory card
- Mechatronic Extended Basic 2
- Mechatronic 32k RAM card.
- Millers Graphics Advanced Diagnostics
- Millers Graphics DISk ASSEMBLER
- Millers Graphics Explorer
- Navarone Database manager
- Not Polyoptics - Red Baron Flight Simulator
- Scott Adams Adventure Hint book
Other documents:
Donations for the upkeep of these pages :
If you have any comments, complaints, suggestions, requests, links that don't work etc, please drop me a line via my Genuki email page.
If you want to know when the page changes, try a change tracker such as